Construction crews have been hard at work recently on Cedar and Alma Streets installing new sewer lines under the roads. Paving and striping, including the center line and crosswalks will be completed the week of August 12.
Crews still need to directional drill underneath the railroad tracks on Alma Street and install the sewer line across N. Mt. Shasta Boulevard. This means that traffic control and partial road closures will remain in effect until approximately the first week of September, if all goes well.
Crews plan to start the directional drill underneath the tracks during the week of August 12. This will take approximately two-three weeks to complete, subject to conditions being favorable and no difficult obstructions being encountered.
While this work is occurring, two way traffic will be open at night. However, during the day (7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), there will be no westbound traffic allowed on Alma Street. Families having business at Mount Shasta Elementary School will need to detour around Alma Street to Lake Street and down Pine Street to get there. Eastbound traffic will have a lane open for the most part, but will have intermittent closures. Crews will keep this lane open as much as possible.
If you have any questions, please contact the school offices or the district office.